Ilion Class of 1947 Class Stats as of 50th Reunion 1997

August 16, 1997


Year Grad. Last     Last        First                     Marital  Number of  Grand    Great          Attended 
Year Last Name      Name        Name        Sal. Deceased Status     Children Children Grandchildren  Reunion

1947 Ames           Ames        Fred        Mr.           Married           3         6
1947 Askham         Askham      Charles     Mr.  yes
1947 Baker          Lawrence    Marion      Mrs.          Married           4         8               yes
1947 Baulch         Baulch      Lloyd       Mr.  yes
1947 Bishop         Bishop      Betty       Ms.           Single                                      yes
1947 Bostwick       Bostwick    Richard     Mr.           Married           3         3
1947 Bouck          Bouck       Myron       Mr.           Married           8        24      8        yes
1947 Bowie          Barbara     Combar      Mrs.          Married           3         4               yes
1947 Bruso          Margaret    Miller      Mrs.                                                      no response
1947 Bump           Fay         Mary        Mrs. yes
1947 Colman         Tracy       Rosemary    Mrs. yes
1947 Conboy         West        Jean        Mrs. yes
1947 Corwin         Brodie      Mary Alice  Mrs.          Divorced
1947 Costanza       Zito        Rose        Mrs.          Widowed           2         5               yes
1947 Coupe          Coupe       William     Mr.  yes
1947 Curley         Quinn       Virginia    Mrs.          Married           2         2               yes
1947 Damon          Kull        Jean        Mrs.          Married                                     no response
1947 Davis          Espy        Sarah       Mrs.          Widowed           2         2               yes
1947 Day            Day         Darrell     Mr.  yes
1947 Day            Day         George      Mr.  yes      Widowed
1947 Deming         Bayer       Carolyn     Mrs.          Divorced          3         5               yes
1947 Dodge          Wilson      Norma       Mrs.          Married           5         2
1947 Donahue        Donahue     Ward        Mr.           Married           2         1               yes
1947 Doty           Doty        David       Mr.                             6        15               yes
1947 Farley         Farley      Charles     Mr.  yes
1947 Folmsbee       Folmsbee    Robert      Mr.  yes
1947 France         Dundon      Patricia    Mrs.
1947 Furman         Day         Ann              yes
1947 Geloso         Conte       Joan        Mrs.          Married           3         3
1947 Gettle         Gettle      George      Mr.           Married           5                         yes
1947 Goodman        Goodman     Richard     Mr.                                                       no information
1947 Green          Evans       Marion      Mrs. yes
1947 Hailston       Daniels     Doreen      Mrs. yes
1947 Harris         Hohu        Rosemary    Mrs.          Married           3         3               yes
1947 Harter         Harter      Robert      Mr.           Married           5         7               yes
1947 Heiland        Heiland     Harry       Mr.  yes      Single                                      yes
1947 Hendrick       Hendrick    George      Mr.           Widowed           5        15
1947 Hendry         Hermann     Shirley     Mrs. yes
1947 Horan          Newman      Geraldine   Mrs.          Divorced          3         1               no response
1947 Francis        Francis     Jennette    Ms.                                                       no response
1947 Joy            Joy         Ralph       Mr.           Married                                     yes
1947 Judson         Harvey      Doris       Mrs. yes
1947 Kibbe          Kibbe       Thomas      Mr.           Married           2         2               yes
1947 Koerner        Koerner     George      Mr.           Married           2         2               yes
1947 Koerner        Koerner     Raymond     Mr.                             2         2               no response
1947 Latt           Rider       Helen       Mrs.          Widowed           4         5               yes
1947 Lawrence       Lawrence    Benjamin    Mr.           Married           5        11               yes
1947 Lever          Bullis      Grace       Mrs.          Married           4         7               yes
1947 Lockyer        Lockyer     George      Mr.           Married           3
1947 Lubey          Amendolare  Catherine   Mrs.          Married           3         8               yes
1947 Ludden         Schroll     Phyllis     Mrs. yes
1947 Lupinski       Durgee      Mary        Mrs.          Married           4         8               yes
1947 Lyman          Eaton       Lois        Mrs.          Married           3         2
1947 McHarg         Venditte    Ann         Mrs.          Married           3         4               yes
1947 McPherson      McPherson   Glenn       Mr.           Divorced          4        10               yes
1947 Marley         Marley      Edna        Ms.           Single                                      yes
1947 Mills          Mills       Thomas      Mr.  yes
1947 Morris         Morris      Donald      Mr.           Married           4         5
1947 Mosher         Fisher      Jeanne      Mrs.          Widowed           6        12               yes
1947 Murphy         Fletcher    Patricia    Mrs.          Married           4         9               yes
1947 Nelson         Barger      Virginia    Mrs.          Married           3         3               yes
1947 Newton         Werner      Ann         Mrs.          Married           3         3               yes
1947 Nile           Nile        Samuel      Mr.  yes
1947 Norman         Norman      Joseph      Mr.                                                       no information
1947 Nunneker       Nunneker    Craig       Mr.           Married           2         5               yes
1947 Olsen          Skramko     Jane        Mrs. yes
1947 Outtrim        Outtrim     LeRoy       Mr.  yes
1947 Owens          Owens       William     Mr.                                                       no response
1947 Polsin         Polsin      Robert      Mr.                                                       no information
1947 Powers         Powers      Richard     Mr.           Married                                     yes
1947 Preische       Wiernick    Audrey      Mrs.          Married           3         5               yes
1947 Rank           Rivers      Lorraine    Mrs.          Married           1         1               no response
1947 Robinson       Robinson    Harvey      Mr.  yes
1947 Rowlands       Rowlands    Robert      Mr.  yes
1947 Sanders        Sanders     Robert      Mr.  yes
1947 Scanlon        Scanlon     Felix       Mr.           Married           2         3               yes
1947 Schaepe        Schaepe     Herman      Mr.           Married           4         9
1947 Schafer        Schafer     Edward      Mr.  yes
1947 Seamans        Seamans     Stephen     Mr.                                                       no information
1947 Seymour        Seymour     Alfred      Mr.           Married           3         2               yes
1947 Shute          Shute       Elmer       Mr.  yes
1947 Staley         Staley      Harry       Mr.           Married           2         4               no response
1947 Stapp          Gollegy     Audrey      Mrs.
1947 Taylor         Taylor      Donald      Mr.                                                       no response
1947 Thomas         Fillhart    Arlene      Mrs.          Widowed           5         5
1947 Thompson       Janicki     Mary        Mrs.          Married                                     yes
1947 Townsend       Nicastro    Betty       Mrs. yes                        2
1947 Van Steinburg  Daly        Dorothy     Mrs.          Married                                     yes
1947 VanValkenburg  Celi        Ada         Mrs.                            5        10               no response
1947 Vayo           Vayo        Kathleen    Ms.  yes
1947 Vayo           Vayo        William     Mr.  yes
1947 Waters         Francisco   Marilyn     Mrs.                                                      no response
1947 Williams       Caruso      Marilyn     Mrs.                                                      no information
1947 Williams       Williams    Walter      Mr.                                                       no response
1947 Willoughby     Bechard     Patricia    Mrs.          Married           5        13               yes
1947 Wright         Vivyan      Margaret    Mrs.          Married           5         8               yes
1947 Yardley        Yardley     Milford     Mr.  yes



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Created and maintained by Aileen Carney Sweeney - Class of 1974

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Modified November 27, 2020